Forearm Stand Workshop Bundle (2 Recordings)


What’s included:

Two 75-minute follow-along workshops including warm ups, mobility work, and active flexibility drills to help work towards different variations of forearm stands (aka pincha pose).

  • Beginning Forearm Stands: Great for students new to forearm stands or students looking to improve their shoulder engagement for kicking up more consistently.

  • Continuing Forearm Stands: Includes more advanced shoulder and back drills to prepare students for deeper backbend0y forearm stands variations, as well as more emphasis on learning to balance with control.

Who is a good fit for these workshops?

These workshops are good for “begintermediate” (and beyond) students who have a bit of shoulder flexibility and control already. A suggested prerequisite for the first workshop is being able to comfortably hold a dolphin pose.

The Beginning Forearm Stands workshop focuses on continuing to improve and strengthen shoulder (and back) flexibility, with a goal of teaching students how to kick up to the wall. Once students are comfortable kicking up to the wall, they can start working on some of the exercises in the Continuing Forearm Stands workshop.

Recommended props:

  • A chair (or a bench or low table)

  • 2 yoga blocks

  • A long strap

  • Plenty of wall space!

Note: Because of Squarespace’s file size limitations (which is what I use for this wonderful website!), upon purchase you will receive a PDF with a link to the two recordings. You can then stream the recordings online from the private link.


What’s included:

Two 75-minute follow-along workshops including warm ups, mobility work, and active flexibility drills to help work towards different variations of forearm stands (aka pincha pose).

  • Beginning Forearm Stands: Great for students new to forearm stands or students looking to improve their shoulder engagement for kicking up more consistently.

  • Continuing Forearm Stands: Includes more advanced shoulder and back drills to prepare students for deeper backbend0y forearm stands variations, as well as more emphasis on learning to balance with control.

Who is a good fit for these workshops?

These workshops are good for “begintermediate” (and beyond) students who have a bit of shoulder flexibility and control already. A suggested prerequisite for the first workshop is being able to comfortably hold a dolphin pose.

The Beginning Forearm Stands workshop focuses on continuing to improve and strengthen shoulder (and back) flexibility, with a goal of teaching students how to kick up to the wall. Once students are comfortable kicking up to the wall, they can start working on some of the exercises in the Continuing Forearm Stands workshop.

Recommended props:

  • A chair (or a bench or low table)

  • 2 yoga blocks

  • A long strap

  • Plenty of wall space!

Note: Because of Squarespace’s file size limitations (which is what I use for this wonderful website!), upon purchase you will receive a PDF with a link to the two recordings. You can then stream the recordings online from the private link.

What’s included:

Two 75-minute follow-along workshops including warm ups, mobility work, and active flexibility drills to help work towards different variations of forearm stands (aka pincha pose).

  • Beginning Forearm Stands: Great for students new to forearm stands or students looking to improve their shoulder engagement for kicking up more consistently.

  • Continuing Forearm Stands: Includes more advanced shoulder and back drills to prepare students for deeper backbend0y forearm stands variations, as well as more emphasis on learning to balance with control.

Who is a good fit for these workshops?

These workshops are good for “begintermediate” (and beyond) students who have a bit of shoulder flexibility and control already. A suggested prerequisite for the first workshop is being able to comfortably hold a dolphin pose.

The Beginning Forearm Stands workshop focuses on continuing to improve and strengthen shoulder (and back) flexibility, with a goal of teaching students how to kick up to the wall. Once students are comfortable kicking up to the wall, they can start working on some of the exercises in the Continuing Forearm Stands workshop.

Recommended props:

  • A chair (or a bench or low table)

  • 2 yoga blocks

  • A long strap

  • Plenty of wall space!

Note: Because of Squarespace’s file size limitations (which is what I use for this wonderful website!), upon purchase you will receive a PDF with a link to the two recordings. You can then stream the recordings online from the private link.