Prone Feet Opens

Flexopedia > Hip Internal Rotation

Prone Feet Opens

Muscle Group Strengthened: Hip Internal Rotators

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

This is essentially a more active version of the prone foot splay (passive hip internal rotation stretch). In this stretch, we actively engage our hip internal rotators to pull our feet as far apart as we can. For an (optional) extra challenge, you can try this with your knees lifted in the air (working in hip extension).

How To

Step 1

Start lying on your stomach. Place a yoga block between your knees for spacing/support (either on the skinny width, or the medium width if that feels more comfortable - don’t use the widest setting). Bend your knees so your feet are pointing up towards the ceiling (feet can be pointed or flexed, ankle position doesn’t matter).

Step 2

Start to rotate your thighs towards each other, reach your feet as far apart as you can (without pushing through any knee or hip pain). Hold for a moment, then bring the feet back together.

That’s one rep. Repeat for 8-12 leg opens.


Need to make it easier?

Keep it more passive, only let the feet splay out as far as gravity can comfortably open your feet, then bring them back together.

Want to make it harder?

Engage your glutes to lift the knee block off the floor, and try your foot splays with the knees (actively) elevated.

Add a resistance band around your ankles.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

Seated Hip Internal Rotation with a Band


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