Seated Hip Internal Rotation with a Band

Flexopedia > Hip Internal Rotation

Seated Hip Internal Rotation witha Band

Muscle Group Strengthened: Hip Internal Rotators

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

Adding a resistance band to this drill helps engage and strengthen our hips’ internal rotators. Consider pairing this exercises with a seated banded external rotation drill to strengthen both ranges of motion and ensure your stabilizer muscles are firing before you tackle deeper hip stretches.

How To

Step 1

Start sitting in a chair. Loop a narrow resistance band (either a mini loop or a longer band you’ve tied into a smaller loop that’s about the width of your hips) around both of your ankles. Place a yoga block on the “skinny” width between your knees for support.

Step 2

Gently pressing your knees into the block, lift one foot out to the side, pressing the outside of the ankle into the resistance of the band. Your thigh will rotate towards your midline (internal hip rotation). Be careful not to let the leg lift off the chair. Hold this squeeze for just a momnet.

Then let the foot relax back to the floor (thigh rotating back toward the ceiling).

Repeat for 8-12 reps.


Need to make it easier?

Lose the resistance band. Work through this same range of motion with no band.

Want to make it harder?

Remove the yoga block. Engage the outside of your hip to keep space between your knees as you internally rotate your working leg (don’t let the knees cave together).

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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