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5 Puppy Pose Variations for Open Shoulders
Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders, Upper Back, Yoga Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders, Upper Back, Yoga Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

5 Puppy Pose Variations for Open Shoulders

One of my favorite stretches to work shoulder flexibility - especially if you’re trying to open up your shoulders in your bridge - is puppy pose. And just like with any flexibility work, it’s helpful to work on both your passive and active stretching, so here’s a short sequence to help you do both, utilizing different variations of the classic puppy pose.

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Foam Rolling Your Low Back (Safely!)

Foam Rolling Your Low Back (Safely!)

Are you guilty of PUMMELING your low back with a foam roller? While it may sound like a good idea, a foam roller on a floppy spine can cause more harm than good - especially if you have any back pain. Learn how to safely roll out your low back.

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Split Variations if You Can’t Do a Flat Split
Stretching - Lower Body, Front Splits Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Stretching - Lower Body, Front Splits Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Split Variations if You Can’t Do a Flat Split

If you can’t yet sit flat in a front split, you actually have a lot more “options” of splits to practice than you might realize! In addition to do plenty of complementary hamstring and hip flexor stretches (like in this 10 minute splits routine), it may be helpful to shake up what kind of split you’re doing for an endurance hold.

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Can’t Touch Your Toes? 8 Beginner-Friendly Hamstring Stretches

Can’t Touch Your Toes? 8 Beginner-Friendly Hamstring Stretches

If you’re working on being able to touch your toes, but your hamstrings are so tight you can’t even sit up straight in a pike, stretching can be very frustrating - especially if you’re following “tutorials” written for bendier practitioners...

But never fear, there are plenty of legitimately beginner-friendly stretches you can do that safely and effectively target your hamstrings without stressing your low back.

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Why Are My Hamstrings Tight? (and How to Fix Them)

Why Are My Hamstrings Tight? (and How to Fix Them)

If you have tight hamstrings, you’re not alone! Unless you have a regular stretching practice as part of your workout routine, odds are you can’t touch your toes. Don’t worry, that’s is a pretty “average” level of flexibility in our era of so much sitting.

But why are they tight? And what can you do to help loosen them up so you aren’t getting so much carry-over tension in your low back?

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“Big C” vs. “Little c” Backbend from Standing
Contortion, Stretching - Upper Body, Bridges Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Contortion, Stretching - Upper Body, Bridges Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

“Big C” vs. “Little c” Backbend from Standing

A lot of people struggle with being able to backbend into a bridge from standing (sometimes called a “drop back”) - and rightly so, that shit’s hard. You need a lot of core and glute strength on top of general back and shoulder flexibility to be able to lower with control. The secret to a safer (and easier) backbend from standing is all about your center of gravity…

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Advanced Shoulder Warm Up for Contortion
Contortion, Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Contortion, Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Advanced Shoulder Warm Up for Contortion

Contortion-style backbending asks a lot of your shoulders. To make sure I’m properly warmed up before I practice deep backbending postures, there are some extra drills I like to include beyond my “regular” shoulder warm up and conditioning exercises that cater to the more difficult work shoulders will asked to help with in contortion, like extreme shoulder rotations.

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Work Your Y-Scale with PNF
Stretching - Lower Body, General Lower Body Flexibility Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Stretching - Lower Body, General Lower Body Flexibility Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Work Your Y-Scale with PNF

I love working on active flexibility (which is why I make it such a big part of all my classes), especially PNF-style contract-and-release stretches. Y-Scales are a fun one to apply PNF to since they’re a little “easier” than traditional splits, but still very much a cool shape!

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