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Easy Contortion Performance Makeup for People Who Are Crap at Makeup
I was never very “good” at makeup, so stage/performance makeup was a bit intimidating when I started out. Thankfully there’s a lot you can do quite easily with very minimal skill to get you circus-fabulous in less than 15 minutes (psssst the secret is RHINESTONES!)

My Contortion Warm Up Routine (An Example)
Since it’s October and that usually means the start of a heavier performing season (really from Halloween-ish themed things all the way to the Holidays and NYE), I thought I’d do some more posts this month about performing as a contortionist.
I had two (!) contortion gigs last week, both using my lollipop lyra, an aerial-ish apparatus that’s basically a big hoop (lyra) that sits on top of a stage pole that I do bendy tricks in. For one of them I filmed my warm up routine so I could share what a typical contortion warm up (for me) tends to look like.

Where to Buy Contortion Costumes on a Budget
Looking for a costume for your first student showcase? Want something fun and new for an upcoming photo shoot? Seeking a more “professional” costume for corporate or professional performing opportunities? I’ve got you covered!
Contortion Gig Packing List
I’m someone who thrives off of checklists and organizes a decent amount of my life in Excel (OK - Google Sheets, I don’t pay for Microsoft Excel). Once I started performing regularly, I quickly realized I needed an idiot-proof list of all my makeup and props I should be bringing to my gigs.
Here are my go-to’s of what to pack for a performance…

The Best Etsy Shops for Aerial & Contortion Costumes
I often get asked for costume advice/ideas for contortion - and I freaking LOVE Etsy for catsuits and bodysuits. You have to be prepared to pay $100-$200 for a costume, but rest assured you are getting a quality costume that will last you a long time!