Wall Standing Split Kicks

Flexopedia > Hip Flexors & Hamstrings

Wall Standing Split Kicks

Muscle Group Stretched: Hip Flexors, Hamstrings

Muscle Group Strengthened: Glutes

Type of Stretch: Dynamic Active

Difficulty: Intermediate

Suggested Prerequisites: Can do a version of a wall standing split (does not have to be flat!)

This is a much more active (and more challenging!) variation of a regular wall standing split - great for students working towards doing a full flat/straight standing split unassisted away from the wall.

How To

Step 1

Start in a standing split against the wall. This does not have to be a flat split (remember, you can take your bottom foot farther away from the wall and lean forwards to make this a bit easier), but you do want to make sure your hips are “square” (not tilting/opening to one side)

Step 2

Leaning forwards slightly to lessen the weight in the leg extended up the wall, engage your glutes to pull the lifted leg away from the wall just for a moment, then lower it back to the wall. Do not pull the foot away by bending the knee! Ideally you should be leaning enough towards the wall that this is challenging. If you can pull the lifted leg farther away than a couple of inches, press your hips closer to the wall to increase the challenge.

Repeat for 8-12 reps.


Need to make it easier?

Walk your foot/hands farther away from the wall.

Elevate the heel of the bottom leg to minimize the calf stretch.

Lose the wall and try three-legged down dog leg lifts or standing split kicks instead.

Want to make it harder?

Press the hips closer to the wall so you’re working in a deeper standing split.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.


Wall Standing Split


Hamstring Stretches