Wall Standing Split

Flexopedia > Hamstrings

Wall Standing Split

Muscle Group Stretched: Hamstrings (potentially hip flexors as well)

Muscle Group Strengthened: n/a

Type of Stretch: Passive Static

Difficulty: Intermediate

Suggested Prerequisites: Can comfortably get hands to the floor in a standing forward fold.

Working on standing splits is a great way to add an extra challenge to your hamstrings in your traditional split. This variation that uses a wall for support is a bit easier than an unsupported standing split because you can use your hands to press your hips towards the wall for a deeper stretch.

How To

Step 1

Plant one foot on the floor close to the wall:

  • If you splits are flat or close-to-flat, plant the heel right against the wall

  • If your splits are a bit farther from being flat, start with the foot a couple of inches (or more) away from the wall

  • If you are working on oversplits, start with the foot an inch or two away from the wall

Step 2

Kick your other leg up the wall, reaching your toes towards the ceiling. If you can, try and straighten the lifted leg, rather than resting the knee on the wall. If you have tighter hips, this may mean walking the bottom foot farther away from the wall, or accepting a bit of a knee bend.

Make sure the leg is “pointing” straight up the wall, and not drifting over to one side. Both hips should still be “square” (not tilted).

Step 3

Press into your hands (or put your hands on blocks if you feel like you can’t get a good “push” into the floor) to press your groin towards the wall.

Hold this passive stretch for 20-30 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Prop your bottom heel up on a yoga block to elevate the heel and lessen the calf stretch.

Plant your bottom foot way farther away from the wall.

Bend the lifted leg.

Want to make it harder?

Actively straighten the top leg and keep it straight the whole time, pressing the top foot into the wall.

Walk your bottom foot farther away from the wall to work on your oversplits.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.


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