Robot Arms

Flexopedia > Shoulders

Robot Arms

Muscle Group(s) Stretched: Shoulders

Muscle Group(s) Strengthened: Shoulder internal & external rotators

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamix

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

This is one of my go-to shoulder mobility warm ups that hits both internal and external shoulder rotation. Great to do before aerials, pole, rock climbing, or any kind of back/shoulder flexibility training.

How To

Step 1

Standing or sitting, extend your arms out to the side in a “robot” position: elbows bent 90 degrees, elbows at shoulder height.

Step 2

Keeping your elbows in the same spot, rotate your biceps backwards as you try to reach your hands as far up-and-back behind you as you can. Make sure this movement is coming from your shoulder (rotating the upper arm), not just jerking your wrist backwards.

Step 3

Then still keeping those elbows up at shoulder height (they have a tendency to droop in this next part), rotate your biceps down towards the floor, trying to reach your hands as far down-and-back as you can. Depending on your flexibility, this might not be far beyond bringing your forearms parallel to the floor - that’s OK!

Repeat, rotating your upper arm to reach your hands up-and-back then down-and-back for 8-12 reps.


Need to make it easier?

Do one arm at a time to make it easier to focus on maintaining good form.

Want to make it harder?

Alternate arms - try one arm going back, one arm going forwards, for a coordination challenge

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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