Frogger Stretch

Flexopedia > Adductors

Frogger Stretch

Muscle Group Stretched: Adductors

Muscle Group Strengthened: n/a

Type of Stretch: Passive Static

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

The classic frogger stretch (or simply “frog stretch”) is a common go-to inner thigh stretch. A frogger is essentially a middle split, but with knees bent - which makes it a great middle split alternative for students who find middle splits too intense or uncomfortable on their knees.

How To

Because this stretch involves supporting a considerable amount of weight in your knees on the floor, you may want to roll your yoga mat a couple of times to give your knees some extra padding (or use something else like a pillow or rolled up blanket as a cushion under each knee).

Step 1

From a kneeling position, open your knees out to the side.

Step 2

Adjust your knees so that they’re in line with your hips, and each knee is bent 90 degrees so ankles are in line with each knee (feet shouldn’t be close together). Lower your torso so that it’s parallel to the ground - that might mean resting on your hands, or if your hips are sinking lower, dropping onto elbows on a yoga block, or elbows on the floor. You should be feeling a stretch in your inner thighs. If you feel any pinching in the outside of your hips, check out this blog post.

Hold this passive stretch for 20-60 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Take the weight out of your knees and do your frogger stretch lying on your back. Lying on your back, open your knees out to the side (knees still in line with hips, and each knee bent 90 degrees) and hold this as your passive stretch.

Want to make it harder?

Extend one leg out to the side to turn your frogger into a half middle split.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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