Downward Dog Shoulder Shrugs

Flexopedia > Shoulders

Downward Dog Shoulder Shrugs

Muscle Group(s) Stretched: Shoulders (potentially hamstrings if you choose to straighten your legs)

Muscle Group(s) Strengthened: Shoulders

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: Intermediate

Suggested Prerequisites: Can comfortably hold a downward dog with wrists in line with shoulders & hips

Similar to Dolphin Shoulder Shrugs, this drill strengthens the muscles that help elevate our shoulder blades up our back, while maintaining shoulder flexion (overhead shoulder flexibility) and shoulder external rotation - all things we need to be strong in arms-overhead positions like backbends and handstands.

P.S. if you have a handstand coach that keeps telling your to “shrug your shoulder to your ears” in your handstands - this drill can be a big help!

How To

Step 1

Start in a Downward Dog (knees bent and heels lifted is totally OK) with your arms straight, trying to make a straight line (or as close to one as you can) from your wrists to your shoulders to your hips. Externally rotate your shoulders by wrapping the outside of your armpits towards the front of your chest. You’ll know if you’ve rotated the upper arms enough if when you bend your elbows, the elbows point more towards the floor instead of out to the sides. If you can’t get those elbows to point towards the floor, try Dolphin Shoulder Shrug instead.

Step 2

Keeping your shoulder blades wrapped towards the sides of your ribs (outer armpits wrapping towards the floor), push into your hands to shrug your shoulder blades up towards your ears to push the floor awau.

Step 3

Then relax those shrug muscles, and try to pull your shoulder blades down the sides of your back towards your hips - this should lower your head just a tiny bit towards the floor. Note: this won’t be a big movement, just about an inch.

Repeat for 5-12 shoulder shrugs.


Need to make it easier?

Swap the straight arms for bent elbows and work on your Dolphin Shoulder Shrugs instead.

Want to make it harder?

Do these with a microbend between your elbows, hugging a yoga block between your elbows to maintain even more rotating through the upper arm. Only bend your elbows as much as you need to to maintain them pointing towards the floor.

Elevate your feet to lift your hips higher, sending more weight into your shoulders.

Do these shoulder shrugs in a handstand against the wall.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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