The Bendy Blog: Flexibility Training Articles
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Help! My Knee Hurts in a Lunge
Knee discomfort - especially in the back knee - while doing a lunge is not uncommon for folks with tighter hips. There are many reasons you might be feeling some knee pain while in a lunging position: weak quads, tight quads, improper patella tracking, too much pressure on the patella, etc. Thankfully, there are several modifications you can try that can alleviate some of the pressure on your knee so that you can still stretch comfortably!

Knee Pain in Middle Splits? Try These Adjustments
If you experience knee pain when practicing your middle splits, you’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for new practitioners to feel some discomfort in their knees - and I’m not talking about “good stretch” discomfort. So you’re wise to learn what’s going on to fix this issue!

Help! My Front Knee Hurts in a Front Split
Stretching should never hurt - so if you’re experiencing acute pain in your knee when doing splits, you’re smart to look for a solution! There are several things that can lead to the sensation of pain in the underside of our knee. These three (below) are the most common causes I run into with my students - and thankfully all can be easily modified for during your training session, and conditioned to “fix” over time to keep your knees safe and strong while you continue to stretch.