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Is Nerve Tension Limiting Your Shoulder Range of Motion?
Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders, Neurodynamics Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders, Neurodynamics Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Is Nerve Tension Limiting Your Shoulder Range of Motion?

When it comes to being able to reach your arms overhead (shoulder flexion), there are a couple of nerves that - when under tension - can cause tightness in this range of motion. The two most common troublemakers are the ulnar nerve and the median nerve - because they impact very similar ranges of motion, I’m lumping them together in the same blog post. Let’s learn how to identify if they’re restricting your range of motion, and what to do about it!

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Beginner-Friendly Chest Stretches for Tight Pecs
Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders Danielle Enos (Dani Winks) Stretching - Upper Body, Shoulders Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Beginner-Friendly Chest Stretches for Tight Pecs

Whether you’ve got tight pecs from bench pressing your life away at the gym, or from slouchy shoulders-forward posture that keeps your chest muscles in a perpetually shortened position - stretching them out will not only feel good, it’ll help ensure your shoulders and back stay healthy long-term.

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