The Bendy Blog: Flexibility Training Articles
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Advanced Quad and Hip Flexor Stretches for Contortion
If you’ve got relatively flexible hip flexors and quads (ex. you can easily pull your heel to your butt in a standing quad stretch, and/or you have flat splits) - it may be time to up your hip work for those muscle groups.
These are all deep anterior (front of the) hip stretches that may make you feel your quads like you’ve never felt them before!

Stubbornly Tight Hip Flexors? Quick Test for Femoral Nerve Tension
Do you feel like your hip flexors (or quads) are always pretty stiff, even when doing regular, dedicated stretching? What if I told you the culprit may not be your tight muscles at all and no amount of passive lunges and hip stretches would really make a difference?
Time to learn about the role of our good ol’ femoral nerve and how it behaves differently in out stretches than our hip flexors and quad muscles.

Hip Flexor Focused Warm Up
It’s always important to warm up your muscles before you do any serious stretching . The hip flexor focused warm up below is great to do before any kind of leg flexibility work, especially things like front splits where tight hip flexors can really limit your range of motion. These 12 exercises can all be done together, or you can pick a couple and throw them into your current warm up routine just for a little extra hip flexion practice.

Knee-Friendly Hip Flexor Stretches
Not everyone’s knees like the good ol’ “knee on the ground hip flexor lunge” - here are a couple of knee-friendly hip flexor stretches that you can do without unpleasant knee pressure.

Build a Better Hip Flexor Stretch
Got tight, lazy hip flexors? Here are three exercises to whip them into bendy shape!