Supine Half Straddle Opens

Flexopedia > Adductors

Supine Half Straddle Opens

Muscle Group Stretched: Adductors

Muscle Group Strengthened: Adductors

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

This is a gentle active warm up for the inner thighs, letting one inner thigh open into a stretched position, then lightly contracting those muscles to bring it back to the starting position.

How To

Step 1

Start lying on your back. Bend one knee and plant the foot on the floor, kick the other leg straight up towards the ceiling (if you have tight hamstrings and can’t get the leg all the way up, it’s fine to bend the knee a bit!).

Step 2

Keeping the straight leg in line with your hips (don’t let it drift towards the bottom of your yoga mat), open the leg out to the side. Make sure both hip bones stay anchored on the floor and your hips don’t start to tilt to the side when the leg opens - both hip bones should stay pointing up towards the ceiling. You should be feeling a stretch in the inner thigh of the straight leg.

Step 3

Close the straight leg back towards your midline, back to the starting position with toes kicked up towards the ceiling.

Repeat for 8-12 reps.


Need to make it easier?

Bend your knee so you’re leg opens into a half frogger stretch instead of a half straddle.

Want to make it harder?

Open both legs out to the side at the same time into a full straddle.


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Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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