Standing Lunge

Flexopedia > Hip Flexors

Standing Lunge

Muscle Group Stretched: Hip Flexors

Muscle Group Strengthened: n/a

Type of Stretch: Passive Static

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

The standing lunge is another classic hip flexor stretch (when done with proper form!). This is a great option for students who experience knee discomfort when doing kneeling lunges, as well as can be a nice option to include in your flow of standing stretches.

How To

Step 1

Start standing. Keeping both hip bones pointing forwards and chest lifted, take a big step backwards with one foot, keeping the heel lifted off the ground and placing the ball of the foot on the floor.

Step 2

Straighten the back leg and tuck your tailbone down towards the floor so that you’re feeling a stretch in your hip flexors.

  • If you find balance challenging/awkward: place your hands on something for balance - this could mean practicing near a wall or a chair to rest a hand on

Hold for 20-60 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Keep your stance shallower. Only step as far back as you can while still being able to straighten the back leg and keep your torso upright.

Want to make it harder?

Take a bigger step backwards.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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