Horse Stance

Flexopedia > Adductors

Horse Stance

Muscle Group Stretched: Adductors

Muscle Group Strengthened: Adductors, Glutes

Type of Stretch: Active Static

Difficulty: All Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

Horse stance has a bit of a cult following among flexibility coaches and practitioners for a reason - it’s really effing great at strengthening our hips for straddle and middle split type positions. If you’ve never tried this one before, get ready to feel the burn (in a good way!).

How To

Step 1

Start standing with your feet as far apart. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your pelvis forwards (lifting your tailbone, slightly arching your low back) as if you were doing an extremely wide-legged squat.

Step 2

Start to heel-toe your feet wider, going as wide as you can while still a) keeping your knees slightly bent and b) keeping your torso lifted. Be sure to keep your pelvis tilted forwards (slight arch in your low back, hip bones angling diagonally down towards the floor) to avoid jamming the top of your thigh bone into your hip bone (ouch!). End with your toes facing forwards (not pointing out to the sides). This may feel like a stretch in your inner thighs, and possibly even the underside of your thighs depending on your flexibility. Your glutes and inner thighs will be firing as you hold this static position.

Hold for 20-60 seconds (start with a shorter duration, if that’s easy, hold it for longer). If desired, repeat for 2 more sets of long holds (20s+)


Need to make it easier?

Place your hands on a chair (or wall) in front of you for balance/support.

Want to make it harder?

Hold your horse stance for a longer time.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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