Hero Pose

Flexopedia > Quads

Hero Pose

Muscle Group Stretched: Quads

Muscle Group Strengthened: n/a

Type of Stretch: Passive Static

Difficulty: All Levels

Being able to comfortably sit kneeling on the floor with your butt on your heels (“hero pose” in yoga, or sometimes referred to as “sitting seiza”) requires quite a bit of quad (and ankle!) flexibility. Luckily there are simple ways we can modify this pose to help the quads get a challenging stretch without going overboard and hurting our knees or feet. And for students who can already comfortably sit in this position without feeling a stretch, there are modifications to make it more challenging as well.

This quad stretch is also unique because it targets the three quad muscles that don’t cross the hip joint: our vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, while giving our usually tight rectus femoris a break flexing the hip.

How To

Step 1

Start kneeling on the floor. If you have tight quads or ankles, place a yoga block (or two, or three… use as many as you need to feel comfortable and in control) between your ankles. If it’s comfortable on your ankles, point your toes out behind you (it’s OK if your ankle is still partially flexed)

Step 2

Sit your butt back towards your heels - either onto your yoga block(s) or onto your heels, feeling a stretch through the front of your thighs (in your quads)

Hold for 20-30 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Bolster your butt even higher, sitting on 2-3 yoga blocks.

Want to make it harder?

Lean back with your torso to turn this into a reclined quad stretch (only recommended if you have no knee discomofrt and the seated stretch feels very mild).

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.


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