Am I Too Old to Start Contortion? (Spoiler Alert: HECK No)
Am I Too Old to Start Contortion? (Spoiler Alert: HECK No)
I see this question all. the. time. on Reddit (shoutout to all my flexy practitioners in r/flexibility!) and all over the internet for that matter.
The short answer is no you’re not “too old,” literally anyone can start working on flexibility even if you’ve been a total slug your whole life.
The longer answer is that your flexibility progress/gains will likely be slower than if you had started training when you were 14, but you CAN still make progress. I work with lots of students in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s on their flexibility goals. Heck, I didn’t even discover circus arts and flexibility training until I was 22 (which many people mistakenly consider “old” for circus) - I had done some yoga off and on in high school and college, but I couldn’t do the splits or anything particularly fancy apart from push myself up into a bridge when I started. And holy cow did I make progress through training in my twenties!
But don’t just take my word for it - below are a bunch of stories from other adults who started their training “later” in life (in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond!) that I’ve collected from my own students as well as other folks who follow me on Instagram who were kind enough to share their experiences with the challenges (and rewards!) of training as an adult.
Advice from Other Old Farts Adults Who Started Training Later In Life
Ashley, 38
Current Disciplines: Contortion and aerial
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 35
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Significant progress with active flexibility and my upper back in the past year.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Don't give up. Keep staying consistent and get a good coach.
Instagram: @Memoirs_of_ash
Alexandra, 32
Current Disciplines: Aerial arts, beginner contortion, and horseback riding!
How old were you when you started flexibility training? Started aerial at age 22 but haven’t concentrated heavily on flex until about age 30
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I have square splits (front, pancake, and middle) and finally a decent bridge! Overhead shoulder flexibility has always been a huge challenge. I started working with my current coach during the pandemic and it has made a huge difference. I thought I was strong and not flexible for so long. Turns out I just needed someone who understood my body type and knew the right exercises!
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Find a coach that understands your specific challenges and don’t give up! Being flexible and being strong are actually the same thing, not opposites :)
Instagram: @achoumitsky
Amy Goh, 31
Current Disciplines: Contortion, handbalancing
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 27
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Yup. I would say I accomplished most of my flexibility goals and my focus is more on hand balancing at the moment. The goals I chose to let go were mostly skills in which I felt like I was working against my natural inclinations.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Take it slow, monitor your progress, focus on strength and stability in your end ranges and find a coach who understands how to adapt to each student's proclivities. Don't give up- it's a long and rewarding journey. Very importantly, don't compare yourself to anyone! You have your own strengths and weaknesses, and your journey is unique to you alone.
Instagram: @missinkblot
Side note - Amy teaches online classes like me, and she’s a fan-freaking-tabulous instructor. I’ve taken several of her workshops and would recommend her in a heartbeat!
Jamie Livengood, 44
Current Disciplines: Contortion
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 43
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Omg. That's really tough to answer. I have seen more progress than I ever expected in such a short time across so many areas. My body feels so strong and bendy. I'm not afraid to try most poses because I literally feel the strength in my body. Also, my mental health has benefited from training. I focus more on what my body can do and less on how it looks.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Warm. up. every. time. Listen to what your body needs to feel safe and prepared and then go for it. Also, document your progress. Take all of the pics and vids. It is so empowering to go back and see how you have improved, especially on days when you feel like garbage.
Instagram: @Leighthalj
Cierra Skye, 30
Current Disciplines: Contortion and strength training
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 25
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I have gained strength, being able to do splits [front &middle] improved in backbends deeper and stronger. more body awareness.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Take your time! start slow it is not a race. get a coach. listen to your body, take rest days, a week, month what ever you do you. but consistency is key training & rest.
Instagram: @misscierraskye
Allie, 33
Current Disciplines: Pole, contortion, handstands, belly dance/tribal fusion, yoga, weight lifting
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 31
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Omg in every area Ive improved significantly. oversplits in all splits. When I first started I couldn’t do a cheststand without the couch, now I can enter independently multiple ways, and I’m flat to floor and super confident in it. I achieved my goal this year of lifting into my scorpion forearm stand. My leg is getting closer to straight in my needlescale, overall my progress has been crazy! This has all translated very well to pole, which I should note I also started as an adult (25 years old)
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
You can absolutely make a ton of progress! Consistency is key! Sure, getting super flexy when you’re younger would have been great, but learning as an adult you understand your body and mental game more than ever. Work with coaches who care about you, your progress, and most importantly your safety. Admire but don’t compare yourself to anyone else online, you don’t know their body proportions or how their body feels
Instagram: @alliekazaam
Taffie, 31
Current Disciplines: Contortion, acro, Lyra, rhythmic gymnastics training
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 29
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I’ve seen improvements everywhere; especially in my back flexibility.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Don’t forget to train your muscles! Flexibility and strength is an amazing combination that will speed up your progress and help keep your body safe and healthy while bending.
Instagram: @Flexxyfox
Alicia, 30
Current Disciplines: Contortion, aerial hoop, handstands
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 28
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
My backbending has improved lots, I can do a cheststand with feet flat on the ground. I'm still working on the splits but I started with nothing and I'm close to getting them flat now.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Find a coach that knows what they're doing. Build strength with active flexibility exercises. Warm up properly. Be consistent!
Instagram: @Leasha39
Brianne, 33
Current Disciplines: Aerial Silks, Hand-Balance, Contortion, Pole Dance
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 25
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
My body awareness has improved so much! My legs, back, and shoulders are all much more flexible than when I started, and I am reaching new goals all the time. I feel much more controlled and capable in my body than I did when I started.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Document your progress from the start! Try to notice how your training is affecting other parts of your life (posture, balance, body awareness...). Appreciate yourself as you are. Don't wait "until your splits are flat" or "until you can touch your feet to your head" to celebrate your progress. Flexibility adds so much more to your life than just being able to pull out a party trick.
Instagram: @brianne_coleman
Michelle Ravenwood, 29
Current Disciplines: Aerial silks, contortion and Lyra
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 24
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I got my splits for the first time ever two years ago (on one side lol I still don't have the other side). I've noticed an overall improvement really just everywhere in my body. I've still got far to go but I've already undone so much tightness in my body that I thought was impossible to undo.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Just keep at it but also don't overdo it! Consistency is key but don't stretch for hours every day and don't stretch cold. Listen to your body and give yourself breaks. Overtraining flexibility later in life can lead to injury. But if you are smart and safe you can do whatever it is you want to achieve. Don't listen to people who tell you you are too old to become flexible. You can do anything you set your mind to.
Instagram: @aerial_raven
Donyal, 29
Current Disciplines: Pole mostly and flexibility classes!
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 25
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Huge improvements in legs and back flexibility & strength. Mostly more motivated to move in general though now and different kinds of movement (jogging, yoga, rock climbing, etc)
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Patience (injured my hamstring trying to push it) & consistency (haha, you know I'm a slacker)
Instagram: @Thatnamehasbeentaken
Val, 32
Current Disciplines: Aerial arts, flexibility training, stilt walking, yoga
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 21
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
My forward “split” was originally 2-3ft off the floor and my straddle was nonexistent. I have an oversplit in all directions now. My back is bendier but I never fully focused on it to make giant improvements, but I can get a foot to my head these days without much issue as long as I’m warm. I also have a much greater understanding of my body overall. Fully understanding the difference between active and passive flexibility made a huge difference too.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Instagram: @Valeriemichellenied
Beth, 40
Current Disciplines: Pole, flexibility, newer to contortion
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 37
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Taking online classes, I learned back/shoulder strengthening exercises and proper form. Continuing in person classes, I feel my wrists have gotten stronger, my upper back more compliant and I can now hold a decent bridge without my lower back hurting .
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Keep trying, don't get discouraged at small progress. Try to dedicate 2 days a week to your goal. Focus on the smallest improvements . Get an instructor that supports you and can give you modifications, and has smaller class sizes so you can get more individualized instruction
Instagram: @Elizabeth.Joslin.18
Brittany Ray, 32
Current Disciplines: Pole dance, flexibility training
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 32
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I am far more flexible now than I ever thought possible. I have a flat open split, nearly flat square split and my bridge has improved a ton. I did have an athletic background prior to pole in running and rugby, but had zero dance experience and was as inflexible as they come.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Consistency consistency consistency. In the last year, I have committed to 3 (sometimes 4) flexibility classes a week, and I have seen the most improvement in that time as a result. I take videos of my splits, bridge or other poses I’m working on after class about once a month to check in on my progress and that is very encouraging. That said - worry more about staying disciplined than “results.” You’ll have good days, bad days and everything in between but if you stay disciplined - the progress will come. I also keep a planner to keep track of the classes I take each week to see trends over time. I keep notes of when I take rest days if my body is telling me to back off, and also notes to encourage myself when I didn’t feel like showing up but I did anyways.
Instagram: @Fallngthrutime
Kat, 29
Current Disciplines: Aerial silks and lyra, contortion, hiking, paddling, rock climbing, and a tiny bit of pole
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 27
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I’m much stronger and more intentional with my movement. Rather than trying to force or flop my way into a shape, I have a better idea of what to engage, when to breathe, and how to protect myself from injury. My progress has really accelerated since I started working with a coach versus trying to teach myself how to sit on my head (hint: don’t do this). My biggest progress is in backbends and balance! My shoulders are way more open and comfortable than they used to be, and I’m not dumping into my lower back; instead I’m getting better at activating the whole chain.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
It’s not “too late” and you are not “too old”. You don’t have to have started training as a baby. Pictures and videos can be great for tracking progress, but it’s not just about the shape. Maybe you were bendier last time, but this time was more comfortable and supported and didn’t leave you winded. Also, for my fellow ADHD adults, it’s hard. You do actually have to do the work to get the end results. Don’t get stuck on the visual, don’t get wrapped up in the “but I want oversplits NOW”, but be proud of yourself every time you give your focus to getting closer to your goals. You’ll get there!
Stacey, 39
Photo credit: Cyril James
Current Disciplines: Aerial, yoga, wire walking
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 37 with focus on specifically flexibility/contortion
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
Shoulders and back for bridge style poses were my biggest improvements.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
It’s a marathon not a sprint and you need to be consistent.
Instagram: @Stacey.wiles
Chiara, 42
Current Disciplines: Contortion, handbalance
How old were you when you started flexibility training? I had some veeery basic gymnastic when I was 11, but seriously started training flexibility at 39
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I have been training now for 3 years. I gained splits and oversplits, especially the middle was a long process. Backwise, I could do a bridge but not much else. Now I am almost able to do ankle catch. Never even tried an elbowstand. Now I can do it, and I am training to press into elbowstand from the elbowbridge. I am alos very close to one of my dream pose, backbending from the split. And yet…my first answer to this question would have been “oh not so many improvements” . The biggest improvement though is my attitude toward training. Stick to it even on bad days.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Patience, trust the process and enjoy it. Nothing comes for free, but flexibility goals are achievable if one outs time into them. I have to keep repeating this myself, I have many moments when I feel like I am too old, not good enough, and then I remind myself that I do it for the pure pleasure of feeling my body stretching, of gaining knowledge and access to muscles that I didn’t even know existed. When I am working on an “extreme” pose often I want to push myself further, and for this I panic. So I am trying instead to go slow, breathe and accept that some days I am bendier and some days I am less bendy.
Instagram: @Chiaralt_dodo
Candice, 31
Photo Credit: Don Q Photography
Current Disciplines: Pole dance, handbalancing, flexibility training and contortion, weightlifting
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 25
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
This is interesting because the journey has definitely not been linear. I would say gaining my oversplits, being able to do standard contortion. I’ve had injury setbacks that made me retrain flexibility differently than when I first started, so I’ve seen more improvement in my technique and engagement over the years.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Get yourself a coach, don’t compare your progress to random posts on Instagram, make sure you warm up properly, learn how to engage your abs properly for back bending, make sure to “reset” after flexibility training, don’t ignore injuries and rest your body!
Instagram: @candancetv
Veronica, 34
Photo credit: Dave Wood Photography
Current Disciplines: Contortion, dance, aerial
How old were you when you started flexibility training? 31
What sort of "progress" have you made with your flexibility training? Where have you seen improvements?
I can touch my head with my feet in chest stand. I can get a crazy closed scorpion/forearm balance. Splits are flat on the ground. Pretty much I can contort 3-4 years after starting and it’s amazing.
Do you have any advice for other adults trying to work on their flexibility?
Consistency, drills, private coaching, don’t be too hard on yourself or compare yourself to others.
Instagram: @Vivaciously.vee